ISO 3834-1:2021 Quality Requirements for Welding of Metallic Materials
ISO 3834-1:2021 Quality Requirements for Welding of Metallic Materials
The Quality Requirements for the welding standard is the benchmark for clients who required an organisation that provides welding as a service. The assurance that the ISO 3834-1:2021 standard provides is the different grades of a welder, their competency and adequate controls required to be followed to provide quality welding as per client specifications.
The standards’ foundation is based around the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, with a focus on the verification, validation, monitoring, and measurement of the Quality Controls for Welding to ensure the quality of service is in accordance with National Welding Standards.
What is ISO 3834-1:2021?
ISO 3834-1:2021 Quality Requirements for Welding was developed by International Standard Organisation in association with the International Institute of Welding as International Welding Quality Assurance Standard (ISO 3834-1:2021). It aims to provide the quality requirements for a welded product because quality is a primary need for all customers.
- It specifies requirements relating only to the quality of the welded product
- It encourages a proactive process orientated approach to managing and controlling welding product quality in a workshop or on site
- It is also a Factory Control System to control activities for the manufacture of the product
- It was developed to identify all factors that could affect the quality of welded product and which need to be controlled at all stages, before, during and after welding.
The standard ISO 3834-1:2021 sets out requirements for manufacturers to meet, in order to apply good practice to their welding operations.
This standard was created by the welding professionals to encourage a proactive process orientated approach to manage and control welding product quality in a workshop or at site.
This standard allows organisations to not only inspect the quality in a product but to also built quality in the product.
Why does an Organisation need ISO 3834-1:2021?
This standard will assist organisations with:
Ensuring that they have competent welders by having written welding instructions also known as WPS;
Confidence that their welding procedure specification will produce a welded component with properties that satisfy the design requirements;
Quality policy that shape behaviour and establish the core values in an organisation;
Consistency on products, with high quality level;
Taking all welding quality affecting aspects into consideration;
Making sure the welding shop has competent welders and that there are standardised ways to test the welders.
Ensuring that the welding process and procedure is correctly formulated and approved.
What are the Benefits of Implementing ISO 3834-1:2021?
Standards can be used to streamline the internal processes of a organisation, e.g reducing the time needed to perform specific activities in various business functions, decreasing waste, reducing procurement costs and increasing productivity. To indicate in any way the capability of your workforce or business to carry on special processes, comply with applicable codes and standards and lessen risk of organisational liability with documented safety standards.
There are numerous amounts of benefits of implementing ISO 3834-1:2021:
- Improved processes and procedures are put in place
- Reduced costs and overheads
- Internationally recognised credibility and capability through demonstrated compliance.
- Mitigation of risks.
Manufacturer Benefits:
- In-depth, expertly led, independent assessments of suppliers welding capability and staff competence
- Less rework
- Jobs completed on time
- Both employer and customer will be satisfied
- Local and international recognition as a competent organisation
- Meet the welding-related requirements of ISO 9001
- More efficient coordination of welding activities
- More pro-active and responsible workforce
- Increased opportunities and capability to bid on jobs
- Reduced surveillance audits and inspections by purchasers with significant savings.
Buyer Benefits
- More assurance of contract delivery dates
- Greater assurance of the quality of welded products
- Greater reliability and performance of plant
- Reduction in maintenance costs
- Reduction or elimination of third-party inspection costs
- More competent suppliers of welded products
How do I implement ISO 3834-1:2021 in an organisation?
ISO Consulting & Implementation:
We have a range of professional consultants, engineers, and registered auditors to assist in implementing and maintaining any ISO management system. Our industry expertise includes services, telecommunication, manufacturing, construction, engineering services, fast-moving consumer goods, mining, power generation, state owned companies, and government-run organisations. A good consultant takes the time to truly understand the processes of your company.
Therefore, they can approach the implementation of ISO requirements accordingly. The cost of hiring a consultant and the time spent to implement your ISO management system will definitely pay off in the long run.
WWISE has a 4-Phase Approach:
- Phase 1: Gap Analysis Audit and Information Gathering
- Phase 2: ISO Documentation, Risk Assessment, and Process Mapping
- Phase 3: Implementation and Coaching
- Phase 4: Certification
WWISE provides a turnkey solution which includes templates, 1-on-1 coaching, on-the-job training, and mentorship. As a consulting firm, we do not provide certification services. However, we will guide you through the certification process and ensure that your business becomes certified.
Why Choose WWISE to Assist your Organisation:
Certification Process:
An organisation can get certified to a requirement standard. You can implement the standard and get certified by a third party.