Training Catalogue

    Why Choose Us

    Why Choose Us?

    WWISE offers industry experts to answer our clients’ questions. Our team consists of engineers, business analysts, lawyers, accountants, psychologists, scientists, and auditors with over 100 years of combined experience in ISO conformance. Our 100% certification record includes over 600 clients in 20 different countries.


    WWISE focuses on large corporations and smaller businesses alike, understanding that each business should experience the value of conformance with various international standards. With this in mind, our range of services are competitively priced and cater to all industries.


    Our professional approach to involving and supporting executives and employees alike ensures commitment to the process of redesigning systems integrating with existing systems. We pride ourselves in Customer Focus, being hands-on and assisting any client with attention to detail. We work on the finest details to ensure customer satisfaction.

    Administrative Alleviation

    At WWISE we have collaborative and mutual workshops with our clients to document their policies, processes, procedures, work instructions, risks, and standardise their forms and templates. The aim is to guide your organisations strategic direction, utilising ISO Standards as a tool.


    Prompt Execution

    We are committed to responding to quotes and information requests within 24 hours and we can develop a conforming ISO Management System in accordance to the client’s needs in minimal time.

    Customisable Solutions

    Since every management system is unique, we avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to systems development and conformance management by customising business solutions to fit your specific company size, industry, and objectives.

    Post-Certification Support

    Certification is only the confirmation of your company’s conformance with an ISO management system and relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. Ongoing improvements should be pursued to provide solutions to optimise your processes and reduce your risks.

    Continuous Solutions

    At WWISE, we don’t just preach conformance and compliance, we embody it with a well-documented approach to auditing, training, business consultancy, systems development, and certification preparation.

    Business Networking

    We understand the power of networking. Therefore, we offer our clients a networking profile on the WWISE website to expand their business network with like-minded businesses that have also achieved ISO standard certification.

    100% Certification Record

    We guarantee a successful ISO Certification. With our combined years of experience, our team will assist organisations with ISO conformity.

    Collaborative Approach

    At WWISE, we believe that attaining ISO certification or accreditation requires teamwork. We continuously stretch our capacity to exceed your expectations and work with you to achieve your ISO Management System needs.

    Distance Learning

    In addition to on-site training, we have an e-Learning platform and mobile application which offers training on ISO standards at different levels.

    These include templates, toolkits, training materials, and videos for your employees to continuously learn at their own leisure.


    World Wide Industrial & Systems Engineers is a 100% woman-owned business and a level 1 B-BBEE contributor. This amounts to a 135% B-BBEE Procurement Recognition.


    We are accredited, certified members of:

    1. Chartered Quality Institute | International Registrar for Certificated Auditors (CQI | IRCA) (Muhammad)
    2. Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) (Muhammad)
    3. Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA (WWISE)
    4. Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) (WWISE)
    5. Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) (Individual)
    6. Institute of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) (Individual)
    7. Local Government (LG) SETA (WWISE)
    8. Media, Information and Communication Technologies (MICT) SETA (WWISE)
    9. Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) (WWISE)
    10. Project Management South Africa (PMSA) (Individual)
    11. Proudly South Africa (WWISE)
    12. SABS ISO 22301:2019 Certification (WWISE)
    13. SABS ISO 9001:2015 Certification (WWISE)
    14. SABS ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification (WWISE)
    15. Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) (WWISE)
    16. South African Institute Occupational Safety and Health (SAIOSH) (WWISE) / (Individual)
    17. South African Institute of Industrial Engineers (SAIIE) (Individual)
    18. South African Quality Institute (SAQI) (WWISE)
    19. Southern African Auditors and Training Certification Authority (SAATCA) (WWISE)
    20. Member of ISACA (Muhammad):
      – Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) – Individual
      – Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) – Individual
      – Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) – Individual
      – Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) – Individual
      – Botswana Qualifications Authority (WWISE)