ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems
ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems
An Anti-bribery Management System is a standard that assists organisations to implement Governance Controls. It allows Private and Public Sectors to earn the confidence of their stakeholders and shareholders through the assurance of effectively managed governance frameworks that have been benchmarked to best practice standards.
Ethics, Conflicts of Interest, Nepotism, Irregular Expenditure, and various other legal recourses in an organisation are reviewed to ensure an effective management system that organisations can trust. In South Africa, the Anti-Bribery Management System is closely aligned to King 4 best practices.
What is ISO 37001:2016?
ISO 37001 is the international standard which promotes good governance within organisations. The standard is designed to assist businesses in implementing and maintaining specific measures which assist them in preventing, detecting, and addressing bribery across the business and it’s business activities.
Why does an Organisation need ISO 37001:2016?
ISO 37001 addresses bribery in both public and private sectors, within a business, by a business, and by personnel. This standard is applicable to businesses of all types and sizes.
ISO 37001 assists businesses to prevent, identify and address bribery by adopting an anti-bribery ISO 37001 assists businesses to prevent, identify, and address bribery by adopting an anti-bribery policy and appointing individuals to oversee anti-bribery. Training, risk assessments and due diligence on projects and business associates form part of this process. This leads to implementing financial controls to establish reporting and investigation procedures. Your Business will have a committed approach to eliminate corruption and increase credibility, trust, and transparency towards stakeholders and customers.
What are the Benefits of Implementing ISO 37001:2016?
Businesses that implement the management system can:
- Anti-bribery Management System – Businesses that implement an anti-bribery management system will save money by refusing to pay bribes.
- Avoid reputational damage – being involved in bribery will have a negative impact on the business reputation. By implementing an effective anti-bribery management system, the business can avoid reputational damage.
- Promote trust and confidence – businesses that implement an anti-bribery management system are more likely to be dependable when it comes to collaborating with potential clients or suppliers, as the risk of bribery is lower.
- Interested party’s assurance – assures stakeholders that an organisation has taken suitable measures to prevent bribery.
- Implement the necessary measures designed to detect, address, and prevent bribery – businesses will be able to implement the necessary measures to reduce the bribery risk by preventing or detecting the risk before it negatively impacts the business
- Reduced misconduct risks – implementing the necessary measures lowers the risk of malpractice.
- Provides a benchmark – can be used as a benchmark to assess the organisations’ position in relation to worldwide best practices used by other organisations.
How do I implement ISO 37001:2016 in an organisation?
ISO Consulting & Implementation:
We have a range of professional consultants, engineers, and registered auditors to assist in implementing and maintaining any ISO management system. Our industry expertise includes services, telecommunication, manufacturing, construction, engineering services, fast-moving consumer goods, mining, power generation, state owned companies, and government-run organisations. A good consultant takes the time to truly understand the processes of your company.
Therefore, they can approach the implementation of ISO requirements accordingly. The cost of hiring a consultant and the time spent to implement your ISO management system will definitely pay off in the long run.
WWISE has a 4-Phase Approach:
- Phase 1: Gap Analysis Audit and Information Gathering
- Phase 2: ISO Documentation, Risk Assessment, and Process Mapping
- Phase 3: Implementation and Coaching
- Phase 4: Certification
WWISE provides a turnkey solution which includes templates, 1-on-1 coaching, on-the-job training, and mentorship. As a consulting firm, we do not provide certification services. However, we will guide you through the certification process and ensure that your business becomes certified.
Why Choose WWISE to Assist your Organisation:
Certification Process:
An organisation can get certified to a requirement standard. You can implement the standard and get certified by a third party.