ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
ISO 14001:2015 is the Standard Programme that assists organisations in developing an Environmental Management System (EMS). The focus of an EMS is the utilisation of an Environmental Lifecycle Approach where each activity in the organisation’s scope of processes is managed through an identification process of environmental aspects and impacts aligned to a risk methodology.
The risk assessment is measuring the effectiveness of current controls (inherent risk) and whether this is sufficient to meet legal or strategic requirements. If the risk is high, then the organisation will place its attention on risk treatment plans. These anti-environmental plans and programmes are linked to effective tools, applications, monitoring and measuring equipment. In addition, Policies, Processes, Procedures, Work Instructions, and Reports that assist in aligning to the organisation’s strategic environmental targets, goals, and objectives will be covered.
What is ISO 14001:2015?
The Objective of an EMS is to reduce or minimise pollution and strive to effectively manage the environmental workspace within the Scope. The key requirement of the standard is to comply with Legal Requirements such as the National Environmental Management Act, Waste Management, Air Quality, and Water Quality Acts just to name a few. A Legal Evaluation is imperative for a successful Environmental Management System.
The intended outcomes of an ISO 14001 environmental management system include:
- Enhancement of environmental performance;
- Fulfilment of compliance obligations;
- Achievement of environmental objectives;
- Protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating environmental impacts;
- Mitigation of any potential effects of environmental conditions on the organisation.
- Being transparent to relevant interested parties by communicating environmental information
The clauses in the standard are based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act Model which provides a process used within the organisation in order to drive and maintain continual improvement.
Below is the PDCA Model which can assist new and existing employees in an organisation to understand the importance of a systems approach;
Below is a brief description of the PDCA cycle:
Plan – Identify activities that are required to be done. Set the objectives of the QMS, its processes. Identify and allocate resources needed to deliver these objectives.
Do – Put words into action. Implement what was planned.
Check – Monitor and measure the processes and the products/ services according to the plan which can be your policies, procedures, objectives and requirements and report and review the results.
Act – based on the acquired results, take measures and activities to improve performance.
Risk-based thinking enables an organisation to identify factors that could have a negative impact on the Quality Management System. An organisation is required to analyse and prioritise the risks and opportunities based on what they think is acceptable and what is unacceptable to the organisation. Preventive controls need to be in place to minimise any potential nonconformities and recurrence.
Why does an Organisation need ISO 14001:2015?
ISO 14001 is suitable to any organisation, regardless of size, type, industry, private or government. It applies to the environmental aspects of its activities, products, and services that can either control or influence the environment. ISO 14001 does not state specific environmental performance criteria, as these are dependant on the type of activities conducted by the organisation. It can be integrated easily with any existing ISO management system.
This Standard was primarily developed to assist organisations with having robust and effective processes in place, which may prevent many incidents from occurring. It can encourage better environmental performance of suppliers by integrating them into the organisation’s business systems.
Case studies have shown where Standards served as the basis for innovating business processes, allowing companies to expand their suppliers’ network or to introduce and manage new product lines effectively.
What are the Benefits of Implementing ISO 14001:2015?
There are many reasons why an organisation should implement ISO 14001:2015. The Standard is known to:
- Assists in demonstrating compliance with current and future statutory and regulatory requirements,
- Assists Top Management in engaging with employees,
- Improve company image, credibility, and the confidence of stakeholders through strategic communication,
- Promote the use of evidence-based decision making,
- Offer a competitive advantage against companies that do not adopt the Standard,
- Reduce costs,
- Integrate the organisation’s business system with the suppliers to encourage better environmental performance,
- Increase a business’s access to new customers and business partners,
- Create a culture of continual improvement.
Another benefit of being certified is the alignment of your organisation to the Paris Agreement. This includes activities designed to reduce the impacts of climate change, through appropriate financial flows, a new technology framework and an enhanced capacity-building framework. It also assists in accurate ESG Reporting Environmental and Social Governance to relevant and interested parties.
How do I implement ISO 14001:2015 in an organisation?
ISO Consulting and Implementation:
We have a range of professional consultants, engineers, and registered auditors to assist in implementing and maintaining any ISO management system. Our industry expertise includes services, telecommunication, manufacturing, construction, engineering services, fast-moving consumer goods, mining, power generation, state-owned companies, and government-run organisations. A good consultant takes the time to truly understand the processes of your company.
Therefore, they can approach the implementation of ISO requirements accordingly. The cost of hiring a consultant and the time spent to implement your ISO management system will definitely pay off in the long run.
WWISE has a 4-Phase Approach:
- Phase 1: Gap Analysis Audit and Information Gathering
- Phase 2: ISO Documentation, Risk Assessment, and Process Mapping
- Phase 3: Implementation and Coaching
- Phase 4: Certification
WWISE provides a turnkey solution which includes templates, 1-on-1 coaching, on-the-job training, and mentorship. As a consulting firm, we do not provide certification services. However, we will guide you through the certification process and ensure that your business becomes certified.
Why Choose WWISE to Assist your Organisation:
Certification Process:
An organisation can get certified to a requirement standard. You can implement the standard and get certified by a third party.