Training Catalogue

    ISO 21500: 2021 Project, Programme and Portfolio Management

    ISO 21500: 2021 Project, Programme and Portfolio Management

    The ISO 21500:2021 Project, Programme and Portfolio Management — context and concepts Standard enables Project Managers to understand how ISO has aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Pmbok).

    The principles, requirements, and processes demonstrated in this Standard are beneficial to any Project Manager and project regardless of type or size. For more knowledge, find our video under the e-Learning Freebies section where Quality and Project Management can be viewed, which includes case study examples.

    What is ISO 21500:2021?

    ISO 21500:2021 is an International Standard that provides guidance for project management. This process-based Standard is consistent with other Management Standards such as ISO 9001:2015. As processes overlap and interact throughout a project and its phases, processes can be said to be described in terms of purpose, description, primary inputs (documents, plans, designs, etc.), and outputs (documents, products, etc.).

    This Standard identifies 39 processes that fall into 5 basic process groups, and a further 10 subject groups which encompass the typical managerial aspects for most projects. The 5 process groups are: Initiating, Planning, Implementing, Controlling, and Closing. The 10 subject groups are: Integration, Stakeholder, Scope, Resource, Time, Cost, Risk, Quality, Procurement, and Communication. Each of the 10 subject groups contains the processes that need to be accomplished within its discipline to achieve effective project management. Each of these processes also falls into one of the 5 basic process groups, creating a matrix structure (every process can be related to one subject group and one process group). The Standard provides a comprehensive description of concepts and processes that are considered to form good project management practices.

    ISO 215002012 External Environment


    Why does an organisation need ISO 21500:2021?

    ISO 21500:2021 can result in substantial project improvements by ensuring that projects are efficiently executed, by ensuring projects stay within budget and time constraints. This creates an opportunity for organisations to reach the necessary project management requirements, minimising the chance of project failure, while also ensuring minimal disruption to the rest of the organisation’s operations.

    Gaining ISO 21500:2021 certification will further assist your organisation to plan sufficiently, and to manage and monitor the progress of your projects, equips yourself with the essential skills to allocate the time needed to finish tasks and meet deadlines.

    Any type of organisation irrespective of size, project complexity, or duration of its projects can benefit from this Standard. This Standard is also beneficial for the following:

    • Project Management professions and professionals.
    • Individuals/organisations who aim to understand and implement the core processes of project management.
    • Senior managers and project sponsors who wish to gain a better understanding of the principles and practice of project management.


    What are the benefits of implementing ISO 21500:2021?

    The benefits of ISO 21500:2021 certification include, but are not limited to:

    • Master project management skills.
    • Improving project delivery.
    • Providing shared project management processes and principles.
    • Transparent and improved decision-making.
    • Helps to unify the profession by building a common language and standard processes.
    • Improved performance reviews.
    • Increased self-esteem.

    Standards can be used to streamline the internal processes of your organisation, for example by reducing the time needed to perform specific activities by various business functions, decreasing waste, reducing procurement costs, and increasing productivity.


    How do I implement ISO 21500:2021 in an organisation?

    ISO Consulting & Implementation:

    We have a range of professional consultants, engineers, and registered auditors to assist in implementing and maintaining any ISO management system. Our industry expertise includes services, telecommunication, manufacturing, construction, engineering services, fast-moving consumer goods, mining, power generation, state owned companies, and government-run organisations. A good consultant takes the time to truly understand the processes of your company.

    Therefore, they can approach the implementation of ISO requirements accordingly. The cost of hiring a consultant and the time spent to implement your ISO management system will definitely pay off in the long run.

    WWISE has a 4-Phase Approach:

    • Phase 1: Gap Analysis Audit and Information Gathering
    • Phase 2: ISO Documentation, Risk Assessment, and Process Mapping
    • Phase 3: Implementation and Coaching
    • Phase 4: Certification

    WWISE provides a turnkey solution which includes templates, 1-on-1 coaching, on-the-job training, and mentorship. As a consulting firm, we do not provide certification services. However, we will guide you through the certification process and ensure that your business becomes certified.

    Why Choose WWISE to Assist your Organisation:
    Certification Process:

    An organisation can get certified to a requirement standard. You can implement the standard and get certified by a third party.

    Click here to view certification process