Training Catalogue

    New Venture Creation
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    Qualification Title: New Venture Creation

    Certificate: Further Education and Training Certificate

    SAQA ID: 66249​

    NQF Level: Level 4

    Credits: 149

      • Core: 82 credits
      • Fundamentals: 56 credits
      • Electives: 11 credits
    Full Qualification type Name of the Qualification Duration Price
    Further Education and Training Certificate New Venture Creation 1 year R28 000

    Course Purpose

    The purpose of the Qualification is to develop the appropriate skills and knowledge required by a person for the establishment and development of a small to medium business venture and address the economic, administrative, and behavioural (psycho-social) barriers that contribute to success in starting and sustaining the venture.

    This qualification is intended for persons who wish to start, operate, manage, and grow a new small to medium business venture. Learners attempting this qualification will be equipped with a variety of technical, business managerial and personal skills and strategies to help them succeed in the creation and sustenance of a business. The successful learner will develop a sound foundation for the application of these skills and knowledge to explore a diverse range of entrepreneurial opportunities.

    Unit Standards:

      Unit Standard Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits
    Core      114600 Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business 4 4
    263455 Apply the principles of costing and pricing to a business venture 4 6
    263356 Demonstrate an understanding of an entrepreneurial profile 4 5
    263514 Demonstrate an understanding of the function of the market mechanisms in a new venture 4 5
    120389 Explain and apply the concept, principles, and theories of motivation in a leadership context 4 6
    114584 Finance a new venture 4 5
    263534 Implement an action plan for a new venture 4 4
    263474 Manage finances of a new venture 4 6
    114805 Manage general administration 4 4
    13948 Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation 4 5
    263434 Plan and manage production/operations in a new venture 4 6
    263456 Plan strategically to improve new venture performance 4 4
    114592 Produce business plans for a new venture 4 8
    114596 Research the viability of new venture ideas/opportunities 4 5
    116394 Implement and manage human resource and labour relations policies and acts 5 9
    Fundamental     119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication 3 5
    119457 Interpret and use information from texts 3 5
    119467 Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes 3 5
    119465 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts 3 5
    9015 Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems 4 6
    119462 Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts 4 5
    119469 Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts 4 5
    9016 Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts 4 4
    119471 Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes 4 5
    7468 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues 4 6
    119459 Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts 4 5
    Elective 119671 Administer contracts for a selected new venture 3 10



    Tender to secure business for a new venture 4 5