Training Catalogue

    ISO Implementation & Maintenance

    How do I maintain my Management System and Prepare for Annual Audits?

    WWISE offers multiple options to be as Cost-effective for the organisation as possible. These range from:

      1. Monthly consulting on a retainer, where our Consultants assist in reviewing, editing, managing, and assisting with the maintenance of the Management System.
      2. Ad-hoc consulting, where we are required to come and assist on a “when and if” required basis.
      3. Internal Audits, Non-Conformance and Corrective Action workshops, and Management Review Meeting facilitation.

        How do I, as an individual, become competent to understand the requirements of ISO Standards?

        • There are various training programs that WWISE offers, depending on your understanding of the Standard/s and exposure to it.
        • WWISE recommends that individuals who are new to the ISO world follow this Training Plan:

        1.  Awareness Training

        1 day – Classroom Training or 8 hours online eLearning

        2. Implementation Training

        5 days – Classroom Training or 40 hours online eLearning

        3. Statical and Continuous Improvement

        4 days – Classroom Training or 32 hours online eLearning

        4. Statical and Continuous Improvement

        4 days – Classroom Training or 32 hours online eLearning

        5. Lead Audit Training

        Provided that Implementation and Internal Audit Training has been completed (5 days – Classroom Training or 40 hours online eLearning

        How Do I know The Training I attend is credible?

        • Awareness, Implementation, Internal Auditing and Statistical training can be provided by any training provider. It would be beneficial if the Facilitator is experienced and speaks well. Accreditation is not required. However, if the organisation is accredited it would be helpful.
        • What type of accreditation should I look out for?
          1. Sector Education Training Association (SETA)
          2. South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
          3. Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB)
          4. Southern African Auditor and Training Certification Authority (SAATCA)
          5. Exemplar Global
          6. Chartered Quality Institute and The International Register of Certificated Auditors (CQI | IRCA)
        • When attending a Lead Auditing course, the highest level of the ISO family courses, it is important to do so at an accredited training provider to ensure registration as a Lead Auditor is possible.
        Awareness Certificate Artboard 1