Training Catalogue


    What is it?

    • WWISE’s Gap Assessment involves Consultants/Auditors performing an Audit on your organisations’ processes.
    • This is intended to determine the status and conformance to the required Standard(s) and legal requirements.
    • This provides an understanding of how closely you conform to the Standard, and which areas require additional workshopping, to achieve certification.
    • We schedule Audits with departments and process owners to understand the inputs (Policies, Procedures, Work Instructions etc.) and their related outputs (6-12 months of Records of the processes).
    Gap Assessment 01

    Why does an organisation require a Gap Assessment?

    Most organisations do conform to the Standard; however, they are unable to interpret the requirements of the Standard into their business practices. Our professional Consultants and Auditors facilitate the interpretation of the Standard and determine the required alignment to your business processes.

    How long does this take?

    This is largely dependent on the organisations’ scope of products and services, departments, processes, activities, functions, and sites.

    We generally consider the following:

    • – Organisations with less than 10 employees or 8 processes – 2 Auditors (1 day), and
    • – Organisations with 11-30 employees or 9 to 16 processes – 2 Auditors (2 days).

    An Auditor can audit 4 processes in 1 day, a process is a function of a department (e.g., Human Resources is the department – recruitment and induction are processes).


    • Contact or click on our Contact Us page and request a Gap Assessment on your specific ISO Standard requirements. Should you require clarity on which ISO Standard your business requires, a Consultant will call you back within 12 hours to understand your requirements.
    • We identify your scope, location, processes, and boundaries by asking for your Company Profile, Organogram, or a Product and Service Catalogue.
    • Our Consultants create a Proposal and Quotation for your Gap Assessment based on the information provided.
    • Once the Proposal and Quotation is finalised, a 50% deposit is required to book the Auditors/Consultants for the Gap Assessment. This will take place on a day that suits you – virtual, physical or both. Our preference for physical face to face sessions is well supported by the engagement experienced.
    • An Audit Plan, in line with the departments and processes, will be scheduled. Time allocation ranges between 60 to 120 minutes per process, dependent on the criticality of the process (core or supporting).
    • The Audit scope, objectives, and Plan is required to be accepted by the client. Once accepted, the Audit is scheduled.
    • A day before the Gap Assessment, the Audit is confirmed, and the Auditors arrive to audit your organisation’s systems and processes on the scheduled Audit day.
    • An Opening Meeting is conducted with Top Management, process owners, and staff to understand the scope, and context is provided on the benefit, value, methodology, and output of the assessment. Furthermore, the definitions of major and minor findings are explained for continuous improvement.
    • Questions related to the clauses are asked for each process with an emphasis on: Say What you do – Job Description or equivalent; Do What you Say – Process/Procedure; Show me – Evidence of 6-12 months; What are the Risks – Risk Assessment; How are you improving – Objectives and Key Performance Indicators. There are specific questions per Standard that are asked in relation to the requirements/controls.
    • Conformance or non-conformance to the ISO Standard in regards to documentation and processes audited are shared during the Closing Meeting.
    • A date on the Gap Assessment Report will be finalised, and options for Consulting (Option 2) or Implementation (Option 3) will be given.
    • The Gap Assessment Report is compiled and presented to the client, with an Implementation Plan on either Consulting (Option 2) or Implementation (Option 3) – with the recommended “the WWISE Way”.
    • The outstanding balance is paid on receipt of the Gap Assessment Report.

    The decision is made on whether to pursue the Implementation or Consulting phase – this is dependent on your organisation with no obligation.

    If costs are an issue, WWISE provides the best possible solutions to assist, and may consider “Option 4 – Do it on my own”, with ad hoc hourly fees.

    What are the benefits?

    This is an investment an organisation makes to understand where their processes lie in accordance with best practice international Standards or frameworks. The need for standardisation, process conformance, legal compliance, and ISO certification is what clients require as a means of assurance. This assurance ensures that the respective products and services are being delivered in a consistent manner and meet their needs and expectations as defined.

    The Gap Assessment identifies your process deficiencies and determines an Implementation Plan aligned as to these requirements.

    What are the disadvantages of a Gap Assessment?

    Many other Auditors/Consultants may not understand your business or its products and services – resulting in an assessment that will not add value and will be difficult to interpret. With our range of knowledge and industry experience, our registered Consultants/Auditors have reputable references and track records – ensuring your organisation is in safe hands.

    What are the costs?

    Our rates are R9250,00 per Auditor/Consultant, per man-day. This excludes travel outside of Gauteng and the greater Cape Town area.

    All our Auditors/Consultants are professionals with specific industry experience and are registered Auditors. We have over 100 years of combined experience with a 100% Certification Record.

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