Training Catalogue

    Your Solution to Information Security Consultants

    When your organisation needs professional Information Security Consultants in 2024, WWISE is your all-encompassing solution. Not only do we offer professional ISO Consulting but can also assist your organisation with the development and implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). WWISE also offers online training courses to give your organisation a competitive edge. In this article, we discuss the benefits of implementing the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Standard and what your organisation can expect from WWISE when choosing our services.

    What is the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information Security Management Standard?

    The ISO/IEC 27001:2022 ISMS allows organisations to develop and implement an ISMS that is based on a framework that includes internationally agreed-upon best practices to deliver optimal solutions regarding Information Security for your organisation. An ISMS’s core function is to guarantee that processes that fall under the scope of your organisation can be executed with the assurance that confidentiality, integrity, and availability are maintained and protected. This also includes legal methods to handle personal information with regards to South Africa’s POPI Act. An ISMS also protects your digital assets against any cyberthreats.

    How Can WWISE Assist My Organisation?

    Our expert Consultants are able to assist you throughout the development and implementation processes of an ISMS. WWISE can also provide your organisation with an ISO toolkit that contains valuable information and documentation that should be followed to ensure that your ISMS complies with the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information Security Management Standard. WWISE also offers an e-Learning portal that can assist with online training solutions for your entire organisation regarding crucial elements of an ISMS. If your organisation seeks ISO Certification, WWISE can align your organisation with the corresponding Certification Body.

    The Benefits of an ISMS

    If your organisation has an ISMS that is aligned with the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Standard, you can have the confidence that your digital assets are protected against internal leaks and external cyber-attacks. With the constant evolution of Information Technology, it has become vital to have an adequate level of Information Security when working with digital assets. With WWISE’s Consultants, your organisation has everything that it needs to ensure optimal Information Security solutions going into 2024. This will allow your organisation to reach new heights and be more competitive in your industry as well.

    WWISE is your all-inclusive solution to Information Security Consultants for your organisation. Feel free to browse our website for details on our available services and ensure that your organisation meets international standards by employing various ISO Management Systems with WWISE on your side.

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