Training Catalogue

    UNICA and ISO 45001:2018: Enhancing Employee safety and establishing a safer working place

    Each day thousands of lives are lost due to work-related accidents and critical diseases. ISO 45001:2018 is the world’s first international standard for occupational health and safety issues to protect employees and visitors from work-related accidents and diseases.  

    This is how WWISE assisted UNICA:

    WWISE was able to help UNICA maintain their Integrated Management System and retain its ISO 45001:2018 certification by supporting them by increasing awareness and implementing safe working procedures and policies.  

    What is ISO 45001? 

    ISO 45001 is the first international standard for management systems that stipulates the requirements for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S). It was published in March 2018 to enable organisations to improve OH&S performance, therefore making efforts toward preventing injuries and work-related diseases. The ISO 45001: 2018 certification was developed to reduce any factors that might cause employees and businesses irreparable harm. 

    Why is ISO 45001 Important?

    Companies across the world want to forestall and prevent accidents. No organisation wants their employees to get injured or sick, however, most organisations are lost when it comes to the prevention of such injuries. The ISO 45001:2018 standard is important as it provides solutions. It offers a framework for organisations to identify potential safety hazards before they cause accidents. 

    Why implement ISO 45001?

    • It improves the safety of employees and has the potential to reduce workplace injuries. The ISO 45001:2018 standard gives organisations tools to save lives. 
    • It identifies opportunities and shows customers and investors that an organisation is serious about the safety of its employees. 

     I’m currently certified with OHSAS 18001:2007, do I still need ISO 45001:2018?

    Yes. Firstly, it is important to note that both standards include many of the same requirements. However, there are several differences. The main change is that ISO 45001:2018 concentrates on the interaction between an organisation and its business environment while OHSAS 18001:2007 was focused on managing OH&S hazards and other internal issues. Here is how they differ: 

    • Under OHSAS 18001:2007, the operation of the occupational health and safety management system could be delegated by senior management to a representative. With ISO 45001:2018, the role of the management representative is permitted but strongly discouraged. 
    • Clause 5 of ISO 45001:2018 encourages the incorporation of health and safety into the broader management system of the organisation. 
    • ISO 45001:2018 considers both risks and opportunities – OHSAS 18001:2007 deals exclusively with risk. 
    • ISO 45001:2018 includes the views of interested parties – OHSAS 18001:2007 does not. 

    These are some of the points that show a significant shift in the way health and safety management is perceived. OH&S is no longer treated as a “stand-alone” system but must be viewed holistically when running a sound and sustainable organisation. Although the two standards differ in their approach, a management system established in accordance with OHSAS 18001:2007 will be a solid platform for migrating to ISO 45001:2018. 

    How can I implement ISO 45001:2018?

    The international standard for Occupational Health and Safety’s vision is to provide a safe, healthy workplace and prevent the probability of injuries and ill-health. Performance should be improved within the workplace by consulting with employees and allowing workers to participate.  

    WWISE is your tailored business solution. Our consultants can assist your organisation with both the implementation of ISO 45001:2018 and the integration of it with your existing management systems. This is how WWISE can help you:  

    • Phase 1: Gap Analysis – Our Consultants will visit you on-site to discuss the standard and what will transpire throughout the Implementation process. Our GAP analysis will compare your organisation’s current practices and processes to those of the standard, pinpointing any areas that may fall short. 
    • Phase 2: ISO Documentation, Risk Assessment, and Process Mapping. 
    • Phase 3: Implementation and Coaching. 
    • Phase 4: Certification. 

    For assistance with the implementation of ISO 45001:2018, or the migration process from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018, we offer one-on-one coaching and on-the-job training where we mentor you and your team. As a consulting firm, we do not provide certification services, however, we will guide you through the certification process and ensure that your business becomes certified.  

    For more information on how you can safeguard your business with ISO 45001:2018 contact WWISE on 08610 99473 or visit 


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