When your business wants to develop and implement a Quality Management System (QMS) that is built on the framework provided by the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, WWISE is your all-inclusive solution! We offer ISO Consulting, online training, and QMS development and implementation solutions to ensure that your business meets international standards regarding Quality Management. Since the ISO 9001:2015 Standard serves as an order qualifier in various industries, our solutions can provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge for successful QMS development and implementation.
Why Does My Business Need a QMS?
No matter the size of your business, or the specific industry that it operates in, a QMS that is developed on the ISO 9001:2015 Standard’s framework can be beneficial to your organisation. A QMS allows your business a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses throughout all business processes – identifying areas of improvement that can be addressed with the implementation of a QMS. A QMS also focuses on customer satisfaction and meeting the expectations of your customers when they buy your products and utilise your services. As a result, your business can build a positive reputation with your customers.
The Benefits of Implementing a QMS
Apart from working toward ultimate customer satisfaction, a QMS allows your business to have better control over various business processes and ensures that your employees are more aware of various Quality-related elements throughout such processes. By identifying and assessing various business processes, your organisation can become more cost-efficient by lowering production costs and deliver shorter turnaround times and cycles. By utilising resources more effectively, your organisation can increase its revenue and obtain a larger market share over time by capitalising on various market opportunities.
The Process of Implementing a QMS Based on the ISO 9001:2015 Standard
WWISE can assist your business with the development and implementation of a QMS that is based on the framework provided by the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. The implementation process begins with a Gap Analysis and Information Gathering on various elements of your business processes. This phase ensures that processes are correctly identified and can be optimised over time with the assistance of a QMS. The 2nd phase brings us to ISO Documentation, Risk Assessment, and Process Mapping. This is followed by the 3rd phase – Implementation and Coaching – that includes coaching, training, and mentorship. The final phase is certification that is done through a corresponding Certification Body.
WWISE is your definitive solution regarding ISO Consulting, ISO Training, and ISO 9001:2015 QMS development and implementation for your business. Feel free to browse our website for details and contact us directly if you are interested in our services. Reach new heights with WWISE in your corner!