Training Catalogue

    ISO 9001:2015 – Your Answer to Quality Management for Your Business

    When it comes to Quality Management Systems, WWISE utilises the ISO 9001:2015 Standard to ensure that we can develop and implement a QMS-based on the guidelines and requirements of this globally used standard. As ISO 9001:2015 consultants, we can also maintain your QMS  in the long run to give you the peace of mind that your quality control and quality management  remains up to date and aligned with the latest updates on this standard.

    Why Should I Consider ISO 9001:2015 Consultants for my Organisation?

    If you want your business to reach a new level of competitiveness in your market, ISO compliance and certification can make a drastic difference in any organisation. With WWISE on your side, we offer professional consultants, auditors, and engineers to develop, implement, and maintain a Quality Management System for your organisation. The biggest reasoning behind implementing such a system comes down to the benefits of ISO compliance and certification – aligning your business with internationally agreed-upon standards, which will result in more opportunities for your business moving forward.

    Our Approach to ISO 9001:2015

    Our turnkey approach to ISO 9001:2015 implementation covers 4 distinct stages, starting with a comprehensive gap analysis and information-gathering phase. During this phase, our consultants, and professionals will identify and gather useful information on the processes in your organisation – identifying and investigating processes that could benefit from ISO 9001:2015 quality control and quality management.

    Phase 2 covers process mapping, overall risk assessment, and any accommodating ISO documentation to get the ball rolling in terms of developing and implementing a QMS for your organisation.

    Phase 3 brings us to the implementation of the QMS, which also covers coaching and training on how to utilise the QMS to its maximum potential. We can assist with one-on-one coaching, mentorship, and on-the-job training solutions surrounding your newly implemented QMS to ensure that your business is aligned with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ready to be certified.

    Phase 4 is all about the certification. WWISE is not a certification body, however, we can assist your business throughout the entire process and maintain your QMS once you are certified.

    When you want your business to thrive, WWISE is your solution to attain ISO 9001:2015 certification. We can assist businesses of any size and in any industry around the world. Please browse our website for details on how we can assist your business and contact us today if you have any enquiries about our ISO consultation services for your organisation.

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