Training Catalogue

    ISO 9000 Consulting and Training Solutions for Your Organisation

    When your organisation considers the development and implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) that conforms to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, WWISE is your solution! WWISE can assist your business with the development, implementation, and maintenance of a QMS that is tailored to the specific needs of your business, as well as deliver professional ISO 9000 Consulting and online training solutions for your entire organisation. Today, we focus on the ISO 9001:2015 Standard and how WWISE can assist your business with a QMS.

    The Basics of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard

    The ISO 9001:2015 Standard puts the focus on Quality Management and provides a framework on which organisations can develop and maintain a Quality Management System that is tailored to their specific business needs. This specific ISO Standard is the most popular out of all ISO Standards, as it is used as an order qualifier that allows organisations entry into specific markets. The primary objective of a QMS that conforms to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard is to measure internal business processes to meet specific criteria, and measure customer satisfaction with the products and/or services being delivered to them.

    Customer satisfaction measures can be used to improve/enhance the products/services to meet the demands of the customers – applying these aspects to internal business processes to deliver products/services that are more in line with the expectation of the end user. A QMS will also highlight areas throughout internal business processes where a specific process can be more cost-efficient, less time-consuming, and result in better overall quality being added to a product/service. Organisations with an effective QMS can identify key Quality Controls in a process that are not yet optimal and implement a new method of optimising that specific process to achieve their quality objectives.

    How Can WWISE Assist My Business with ISO 9000 Implementation?

    WWISE can assist with professional ISO 9000 Consultants to ensure that your entire organisation can work towards ultimate customer satisfaction and optimal quality output. WWISE also offers ISO consulting solutions for developing and implementing a tailored QMS that is built on the specific needs of your organisation, with maintenance solutions to allow your QMS to grow and evolve alongside your business. WWISE can also assist your business when seeking ISO certification by introducing your business to the corresponding Certification Body and ensuring that your QMS meets the requirements.

    WWISE is your first choice when it comes to professional ISO 9000 solutions for your organisation. Please browse our website for details on our available services and contact us today if you are interested! Take control of Quality Management in your organisation with WWISE on your side in 2023.

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