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    Greenhouse gases and why you should implement ISO 14064:2018: Greenhouse gases specification.

    The fight against global warming is not hopeless. The United States released a statement this April regarding climate change that will have globally-reaching consequences. There are further solutions that might not have been considered, however, and this comes in the form of an international standard for greenhouse gases specification called ISO 14064:2018.

    What is the state of global warming currently?

    The United States (US) is the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. This April, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to re-join the Paris Climate Agreement after its retraction in 2017. This means he is committed to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

    The most obvious and tangible consequence of global warming is temperamental weather. The National Climate Assessment encompasses the science of climate change and the impact of global warming. Such changes in climate damage infrastructure, social systems, and ecosystems that contribute to communities in essential ways.

    What does the Paris Climate Agreement do?

    The Paris agreement is a legally binding treaty on climate change. On 12 December 2015, 196 countries joined, committing to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit the rise of global temperatures. NRDC (2021) states that:

    “The goal as of April 2021 is to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels. The Earth is set to warm up by 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next two decades”.

    How do I calculate my carbon footprint?

    Companies or organisations hold a permit called a carbon credit that allows them to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gasses. When this amount is exceeded a carbon tax is applied. Companies try to avoid paying this tax and so aim to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions in a cost-effective and sustainable way. If businesses adhere to Greenhouse Gas emission requirements, they are awarded a credit which is a verifiable and measurable emission reduction credit that aims to reduce or avoid Greenhouse Gas emissions. The benefits include:

    • The restoration of forests
    • The protection of ecosystems
    • A reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels

    This all contributes to your carbon footprint which is the amount of Carbon Dioxide that is released into the atmosphere by an individual, organisation or community. You can calculate your carbon footprint here.

    What is being done about climate change?

    In a letter published in April this year, it states that:

    “More than 300 businesses are calling on President Joe Biden to nearly double US targets to reduce planet-warming emissions”.

    There is a shift in the private sector, and they join companies comprising more than $3 trillion in annual revenue and more than $1 trillion in assets, dedicating themselves to the goal of a clean energy transition while purchasing renewable energy infrastructure at record rates.

    The United States (US) is the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. This April, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to re-join the Paris Climate Agreement after its retraction in 2017. This means he is committed to reducing greenhouse gases. He intends to tackle global warming, but how?

    What can be done about global warming?

    Businesses and organisations can implement an international standard called ISO 14064:2018. It is a standard dedicated to managing greenhouse gases, reducing an organisation’s impact on the environment. While international efforts are being made to combat greenhouse gases and climate change you and your organisation have the tools with ISO 14064:2018 to help make a change.

    What is ISO 14064:2018?

    ISO 14064:2018 is a three-part standard for environmental management. It is a set of tools for organisations, governments, and regions to quantify, monitor, report on, and verify greenhouse gas emissions. By monitoring and reporting on the emission of greenhouse gases organisations have an opportunity to reduce their impact on the environment.

    Why does an organisation need ISO 14064:2018?

    To make a difference. The implementation of ISO 14064:2018 can benefit an organisation in many ways, including:

    • Meeting legal responsibilities.
    • Clear and relevant Greenhouse Gas quantifications.
    • The implementation of Greenhouse Gas/Carbon compliance policies.
    • Having an internationally recognised ISO certification that enacts growth and encourages cost-efficiency,

    To read more about ISO 14064:2018 click here.

    For more information on how we at WWISE can assist your business, please contact us on 086 109 9473 or 021 525 9159. Alternatively, you can email us at

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