Training Catalogue

    Cost-Effective Online ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Training in South Africa

    Cost-Effective Online ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Training in South Africa

    We offer three important courses related to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems:

    • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System Implementation.
    • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Internal Auditing.
    • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Awareness Training.

    Now you can get all the information and skills you need to implement an ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system at your company, whilst also being able to provide your employees with awareness and internal auditing training. For companies, we offer special packages to help reduce the cost of training. Our course prices for individuals are also very affordable and with an easy-to-join system where you simply select the course of choice, purchase it, and then receive login details, registering for a course is made easy. But let us take a look at the courses mentioned to help you get started.

    ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System Implementation

    The course is aimed at delegates responsible for the implementation of the ISO 14001 EMS in their company. Course content is specifically structured to give delegates the necessary knowledge to understand the requirements of ISO 14001, and to develop, implement, and manage a compliant Environmental Management System (EMS) as related to their specific organisation. Focus areas include management of environmental risks and impacts. The content focus includes:

    • Understanding the definitions in the standard and the various guidelines in ISO 14001.
    • Getting insight regarding the requirements of ISO 14001.
    • Learning how EMS implementation is done, including best practices, tools, integration with existing management systems, and other environmental programmes, and how to improve the EMS.
    • Use of the templates also available from us, specifically developed for EMS implementation and how to follow the instructions according to your organisation type and size.

    The course covers the history of ISO, benefits of implementation of an ISO 14001 EMS, requirements of the standard, structure, the process approach, how the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach works, and identification of environmental impact, in addition to key terms and definitions related to aspects of pollution. The course also teaches delegates how to write environmental policies, procedures, and risk assessments, and how to implement key concepts. It furthermore covers the importance of the legal register and how to control and manage records. For more information on the course visit the Training section and select the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Implementation course.

    ISO 14001 – EMS Internal Auditing

    Delegates, upon completion of the EMS internal auditing course, are supplied with the knowledge needed for performing internal audits on their company’s environmental management system. They learn how to conduct first-party and supplier audits. It is a course recommended for anyone responsible for conducting internal audits and for environmental auditors and consultants, as well as environmental management officers. The course content includes, but is not limited to, understanding of ISO 14001:2015, the terms and definitions of the standard, normative reference, scope of the standard, performing a GAP analysis, typical audits, and audit skills. The above are only a few of the topics covered. It is a comprehensive course and for more information, we recommend viewing the full course details.

    ISO 14001 – Awareness Training

    The course covers awareness of ISO 14001 environmental management systems. It provides a superb foundation for understanding the ISO 14001 EMS and its requirements. It is designed for staff members on any level and, as such, is well-suited for inclusion in the corporate package. The course gives an overview of the fundamentals of risk, the Plan-Do-Check-Act model, and definitions. It also covers the history of the ISO, important benefits of implementing an ISO 14001:2015 EMS, risk-based thinking, key issues regarding emergency planning, legislation, definitions of pollution, and the structure of ISO 14001. Many other topics are covered and we recommend viewing the full course details under our Training section.

    Course Certification

    Delegates, upon completion of the specific ISO 14001 EMS course, do an assessment in which they must attain a score of 60%. Upon passing, they receive their certificate of competence. If the delegate gets a score below 60%, they receive a certificate of attendance. If the delegate receives a score above 40% they get a second opportunity to pass. However, if the delegate gets a score below 40% and fails the second attempt, the delegate needs to repurchase the course, but still receives a certificate of attendance.

    View our full range of templates and course for implementation of an ISO 14001 EMS and choose the product of your choice.

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