Training Catalogue

    Business Continuity During Lockdown

    Business Continuity During Lockdown

    The world has come to a screeching halt with the outbreak of COVID-19. This virus was discovered in Wuhan, China, and has since been spread to various countries across the world through physical human interaction. Therefore, many countries have imposed a complete lockdown to isolate the virus and avoid a mass spread throughout their countries. With a lockdown, most businesses cannot continue operating out of shopfronts and physical locations. Therefore, a lockdown challenges each and every business and industry to find ways around such a problem for business continuity.

    What Can My Business Do During a Lockdown?

    Most businesses are encouraged to introduce a work-from-home principle for their employees where possible. This will avoid human contact at the workplace to ensure that the COVID-19 virus is not spread between the employees. However, it is only a solution for industries that utilise online platforms to produce and deliver their products and services. Therefore, the challenge of business continuity throughout these tough times is very daunting. It is also very limiting on what you can accomplish for your business and with your employees while in lockdown.

    eLearning is a Feasible Solution

    WWISE offers a variety of eLearning courses that can be accessed directly on our eLearning online platform. During this time of isolation, your business can benefit from these eLearning courses to effectively train your employees in accordance with various ISO standards. By offering an online learning platform, your employees are able to access their materials without being in a physical classroom. The internet has simplified the way we communicate by offering a digital platform for instant communication solutions. There are various apps for mobile devices, laptops, and desktop PCs to keep your business and employees connected while not being at the office. By utilising the internet, you can ensure business continuity to keep the gears turning.

    eLearning Courses

    We offer a comprehensive selection of ISO courses throughout online eLearning platform. Quality management is a key element for quality assurance within a business. The ISO 9001:2015 standard sets out a framework for a Quality Management System (QMS) that complies to international standards and best practices within your specific industry. ISO 9001:2015 can be applied to businesses of any size, within any industry. With our eLearning courses on Quality Management, you can educate your employees on the importance of developing, implementing, and maintaining a Quality Management System that adheres to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

    We also offer courses in Information Security, in correlation to the ISO 27001:2013 standard. Having an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in place will ensure that your business can keep sensitive information about customers and/or business associates safe and confidential. Many businesses rely on their ability to keep strict confidentiality agreements between themselves and their employees and associates. By educating yourself and your employees on the importance of an Information Security Management System for your business, you can ensure that the development and implementation of such a system can work to the benefit of your organisation.

    Occupational Health and Safety is of pivotal importance during this time of COVID-19. Although most industries are not allowed to resume regular work as of yet, others must enforce special Health and Safety regulations before getting the workforce back on the job. Through our eLearning courses, you can educate the people in your organisation on the importance of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System that adheres to the ISO 45001:2018 standard. With the outbreak of COVID-19, these regulations must be updated regularly based on the knowledge and research on this virus.

    How Can I Implement Effective Business Continuity?

    Knowledge is power. Through education, we equip ourselves to achieve more, be more effective, and more productive in life. By educating your employees on various ISO standards, you can inform them on what is expected based on an international standard for specific subjects such as Quality, and Occupational Health and Safety. Therefore, you can continue to grow your business by equipping your employees with the necessary knowledge to take your organisation to the next level.

    WWISE is your partner in ISO standard compliance. We can assist in development, implementation, and maintenance of Management Systems that are designed on their respective ISO standards. As a result, your business can comply to these standards to get certified via a Certification Body. For more info on how we can assist your business throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, please contact us today on 086 109 9473, 021 525 9159, or email us at

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