Unit Standard: SAQA 9015
Qualification Title: National Certificate: Quality Management Systems
Course Title: Apply Knowledge of Statistics and Probability to
Critically Interrogate and Effectively Communicate Findings on Life Related Problems
Course Level: 4
Course Credits: 6
Course Duration: Three days
Cost of Course: R 2 800,00 per delegate (excluding 15% VAT)
Course Overview
The essential purposes of the mathematical literacy requirement are that, as the learner progresses with confidence through the levels, the learner will grow in:
- Confident, insightful use of mathematics in the management of the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person.
- An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences and so develop into a contributing worker.
- The ability to voice a critical sensitivity to the role of mathematics in a democratic society and so become a participating citizen